1、、One false move may lose the game. 一着不慎,满盘皆输。2、、Offense is the best defense. 进攻是最好的防御。3、、Ninety-li is only half of a hundred-li journey. 行百里者半九十.4、、No man is content. 人心不足蛇吞象。5、、None so blind as they who will not see. 不愿正视事实的人是瞎而又瞎的.6、、One never loses anything by politeness. 讲礼貌不吃亏。7、、One gives nothing so liberally as advice. 不花钱出主意,谁人不乐意。8、、Nothing in life is to be feared.It is only to be understood. 生活中没有可怕的东西,只有需要理解的东西.9、、No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。10、、No hand can make the clock strike for me the hours that are passed. 光阴如流水,一去不复返.11、、No pains, no gains. 没有付出就没有收获。12、、No man is rich enough to buy back his past. 再富有的人也买不回自己的过去.13、、Nothing brave, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。14、、One link broken,the whole chain is broken. 一环断,全链断。/ 百尺之链,断于一环。15、、No cross, no crown. 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。16、、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成.17、、Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action. 最可怕的事莫过于无知而行动.18、、None are so blind as those who won\t see. 视而不见。19、、Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. 初生牛犊不怕虎.20、、No man can lose what he never had. 一个人从来没有过的东西,他永远不会失去.21、、No man can do two things at once. 一心不可二用。22、、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty. 世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。23、、Nothing dries sooner than a tear. 眼泪干得最快。24、、No way is impossible to courage. 勇士面前无险路.25、、No man is content with his lot. 没有人对自己的境遇感到满足.26、、No man is the whole of himself; his friends are the rest of him. 任何人自己都不是完整的; 他的朋友是他的其余部分.27、、Nothing seek, nothing find. 没有追求就没有收获。28、、No garden without its weeds. 没有不长草的园子。29、、No mill, no meal. 不磨面,没饭吃.30、、One enemy is too many, and a hundred friends too few. 敌人一个也嫌多,朋友上百也嫌少.31、、No question is ever settled until it is settled right. 正确解决问题才算真正解决。32、、One cannot serve God and Mammon. 不能既拜上帝又拜财神。33、、Nothing venture,nothing have. 不担风险就无收获.34、、Nothing must be done hastily but killing of fleas. 除非要捉跳蚤,作事不可匆忙.35、、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。36、、One good turn deserves another. 应以德报德。/行善积德。37、、No one is a fool always, every one sometimes. 没有终生的傻瓜,也没有终生不当傻瓜的人.
38、、No man is so old,but thinks he may yet live another year. 人活百年不嫌多.39、、One in love fears no storm; he fears only the death of love. 恋爱者不会害怕暴风雨,他只担心爱情的终止.40、、Nothing is worth more than a mind well instructed. 什么好也比不上教育好。41、、No smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。42、、One flower does not make a spring. 一花独放不是春.43、、No man is wise at all times. 聪明一世,糊涂一时。44、、One is never too old to learn. 人有老的时候,没有老得不能学的时候.45、、Nothing is better than a loyal friend. 什么也比不上一个忠实的朋友.46、、Nothing comes out of the sack but what was in it . 空袋倒不出豆. /无中不能生有.47、、One cannot put back the clock. 时光不能倒流.48、、Old friends and old wine are best. 陈酒味醇,老友情深.49、、No man is born wise or learned. 人非生而知之.50、、Newspapers are the worlds mirror. 报纸是世界的镜子。51、、Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages. 外出旅行,语言最要紧。52、、Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child. 不懂世故,幼稚可笑。53、、No man is happy but by comparison. 人的幸福都是比较而言的。54、、One never goes to the temple for no reason. 无事不登三宝殿。55、、One love drives out another. 新的爱情来,旧的爱情去.56、、One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun. 片云足以遮全日。57、、Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。58、、No pleasure without pain. 乐中必有苦.59、、Once virtue is lost, all is lost. 一旦丧失道德,便是丧失了一切.60、、Nurture passes nature. 教养胜过天性.61、、On earth there is nothing great but man;in the man there is nothing great but mind. 地球上唯一伟大的是人,人身上唯一伟大的是心灵.62、、One loses time seeking for words; one kiss brings understanding. 寻找言辞徒费时光,一吻即可得理解.63、、One careless move may lose the whole game. 一着不慎, 满盘皆输.64、、No living man all things can. 世上没有万能的人.65、、New wine in old bottles. 旧瓶装新酒。66、、No song, no supper. 不出力,不得食.67、、Obedience is the first duty of a soldier. 军人以服从命令为天职。68、、Nothing is dearer to a man than a friend in need. 患难之交最可贵.69、、None so deaf as those who wont hear. 不愿听人的,比聋子还聋.70、、On Monday morning dont be looking for Saturday night. 别在开始工作时就想休息.
71、、One must draw the line somewhere. 干什么都应有个限度。72、、One hour today is worth two tomorrow. 争分夺秒效率高。73、、Once a man and twice a child. 一次老,两次小。74、、Old sin makes new shame. 一失足成千古恨。75、、No legacy is so rich as honesty. 没有一笔遗产能象诚实一样丰厚。76、、One eyewitness is better than ten hearsays. 百闻不如一见。77、、No entertainment is so cheap as reading nor any pleasure so lasting. 没有比读书更便宜的娱乐,也没有比读书更持久的欢乐.78、、No man is indispensable. 没有一个人是不可缺少的。/少了谁地球也转。79、、One cannot help being old, but one can resist being aged. 一个人无法不变老,但是他可以抵制衰朽.80、、No one but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. 穿鞋的人自己知道哪儿夹脚。81、、One must draw back in order to leap better. 退后才能跳得更远.82、、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人.83、、One man,no man. 个人是渺小的.84、、New brooms sweep clean. / A new official applies strict measures. 新官上任三把火.85、、Not good is it to harp on the same string. 不要老是弹一根弦。86、、One loses by pride and gains by modesty. 满招损,谦受益。87、、No rose without a thorn. 没有不带刺的玫瑰。88、、Once a beggar, always a beggar. 一次做乞丐,永远是乞丐。89、、One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。90、、No sweet without sweat. 幸福来自汗水./先苦后甜。91、、None so old that he hopes not for a year of life. 老寿星也不会嫌寿长.92、、One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters. 一个父亲,胜过百名教师。93、、None are so deaf as those who won\t hear. 充耳不闻。94、、One mans fault is another mans lesson. 一个人的过失是另一个人的教训./前车之鉴。95、、Observation is the best teacher. 观察是最好的老师.96、、No man is a hero to his valet. 在最贴身的人眼中,谁也充不了伟人。97、、One eyewitness is better than two hearers. 一个目睹者胜过两个道听途说的人. /耳听为虚,眼见为实.98、、No one is rich enough to do without a neighbour. 人略钜富,亦需邻居.99、、None but the brave deserves the fair. 只有勇士搭配美人.100、、No man is infallible. 没有人不犯错误。101、、No herb will cure love. 相思病无药医.102、、No man loves his fetters,be they made of gold. 即使是金子做的镣铐,也没有人喜欢。103、、No one can call back yesterday. 昨日不会重现。104、、Not to advance is to go back. 不进则退。105、、No autumn friut without spring blossoms. 没有春天百花开,哪来秋天果满枝.106、、One fifth of the people are against everything all the time. 有五分之一的人永远是反对一切的。107、、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. 世上无难事,只怕有心人。108、、Once a thief, always a thief. 偷盗一次,做贼一世。109、、Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. 没有什么比独立自由更可宝贵的了.110、、No road of flowers lead to glory. 没有一条通向光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的.
专栏傻瓜英语200句 (60+节课)作者:柘利英语99币113人已购查看
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