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美文说说网3年前 (2021-11-05)标语大全2776

1、Wild animals are human friends!

2、to protect birds and wild animal.

3、animal protection, responsibility.

4、each animal has its natural balance.

5、do not let everything become a memory.

6、treat animals well, live in harmony!

7、with the earth, to share the nature!

8、with the blue sky, the birds are home.

9、Bird loving is the virtue of human being.

10、protect the ecological balance of animals.

11、with the same blue sky, the birds are home.

12、care for animals, care for our common world.

13、protect the animals, and harmony with nature.

14、The bird wants to go home. Do you want to go home?

15、the protection of animals is to protect ourselves!

16、the pursuit of green fashion, embrace green life.

17、Protect wild animals and maintain ecological safety.

18、care for wild animals, to protect the beautiful home!

19、protection of wild animals, people and nature coexist.

20、give them a little love, our only home earth is better.

21、the protection of wild animals is to protect human beings!

22、Please take care of the closest friends of the human being.

23、the protection of wild animals is to care for human beings.

24、You're just an animal, too. If you want to be a beast.

25、cherish the glory of animals, abused animals are shameful!

26、There is no animal on the earth. It is a world of no vitality.

27、pay attention to the protecting environment of migratory birds.

28、protect the environment, work in the modern times in the years.

29、do not let our children only see today's animals in the museum.

30、the protection of wild animals is a better choice for human beings!

31、Protect the animals. Otherwise the last animal in the world is human.

32、to build a green and warm home, sharing clear blue blue sky and blue sky.

33、protect the wildlife conservation of wild animals to maintain ecological balance.

34、animals are the natural resources for people to waste the whole historical process.

35、do not eat wild animals, set up a new concept of diet, abandon bad eating habits.

36、protect wild animals, and realize the harmonious coexistence between man and nature!

37、the bird is the natural enemy of the pest, and the bird is a friend of human beings.

38、Animals are close friends of human beings. Human beings are the trust partners of animals.

39、the first for the intelligent part of the universe, the intelligent part of the universe!

40、animals are human friends, protect animals, and also protect the common home of human beings.

41、to protect the wild animal to start from the table, to become civilized, law-abiding, loving citizens.

42、for a better tomorrow, please save water, protect the small animals and protect the nature of the forest.

43、you like it, please love it, you do not like it, please take care of it more, it is our home Guardian!

44、Every one of us can grow a tree and build a nest. The world will be wonderful. It's very simple but useful.

45、Wildlife is a friend of human beings, an important part of the natural ecosystem, and a valuable natural resource given to mankind by nature.




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